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Spring League



We are excited to announce the return of best and longest running Spring League to Scottsville Ice Arena!

Spring League Logo White.png

General League Information

  • All divisions include a jersey.

  • The first 4 goalies who register in each division will receive a 25% discount.

  • Full hockey equipment is required including shoulder pads and facemask. All players MUST wear a non-clear, attached mouth guard. All players will be required to wear a neck guard. All players must wear rink supplied jersey.

  • Each team is responsible for supplying one person to assist as a clock attendant.

  • Subs may be use during a game only to bring the team to a minimum number of skaters and 1 goalie. Substitutes must be registered to play on another Scottsville Spring League team and must be division appropriate or from a below devision.

  • All players must be registered and paid in full before playing first game.

Email for questions/info

8U Mites

21 games + 1 practice

Jersey Included

10U Squirts

21 games + 1 practice

Jersey Included

12U Peewee

21 games + 1 practice

Jersey Included

14U Bantam

10 games

Jersey Included

18U Midget

5 games

Jersey Included

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